Sunday, August 29, 2004

protests are more fun than a lot of things

I Just got back from the big protest from MSG to Union Square. My experience of the march was probably like that of many others. It was VERY hot. It was VERY big. What is it about protesting that creates inhospitable weather? Near-frostbite on F15, near-heatstroke on A29? Since this is my blog, I feel free to talk about what's really important.
I marched with my book-group, We were ready to line up at 18th and 7th avenue at about 10:30 and stood there, looking for shade, using porta-johns, talking to people about their cool signs for about an hour, then lined up to march and stood around and waited some more. The march was really big, and had a happy, festive atmosphere, despite the hovering helicopters. One of the best signs looked as if it had been drawn by somebody's kid: "liar, liar, pants on fire" and had a primitively-drawn picture of George Bush in flaming jeans.
Later in the march, some people behind us chanted: "liar, liar pants on fire...hope you burn your ASS!"
Also, this same group chanted "George Bush"... "Coked-up Cowboy!"
On that theme, saw a sign "George Bush, AA Candidate" which had a picture of Bush carrying a bottle of gin in one hand and holding the globe on a pitchfork w/the other.
Basically, it was like that for most of the day. We got to the Madison Square garden, having added some members to our group and lost some others due to the heat and crowding. It was exciting to be at MSG next to the huge Fox news sign where we did some more chants created by the people around us:
"No Bush, No Dick -- Only the NY Nicks!" and also sang "na na na na, hey... Goodbye."
We saw the crazy Christians after the march turned, a few scattered pro-Bush people, and the "protest warrior" people on the corner. silly, silly. Few bothered with them. Also there was a couple: "men without pants against Bush" and "women who support men without pants against Bush." very funny.
At the turn in front of the grad center, and back down toward Union Square it was more spread out, cooler and kind of leisurely. I got some water and met up w/my librarian pal for some hugging and an important news update, then went downtown. Union square was full of happy protestors, unbothered by cops, shoppers or bushies. I milled for a while, then rode home, chatting w/fellow protestor families all the way.
Now it's off to the brooklyn bbq for more recap and analysis. The only trouble? My friend Chris called from California after he saw (on CSPAN) a black block catch fire to a paper-maiche dragon in front of MSG. According to the indymedia site, WBAI has suggested that the "anarchists" who did this were under-cover cops. We'll see. Keep tuned to your alternative media, folks, and stay awake!

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