Monday, August 13, 2007

Let the Joyous News At Last Be Spread.....

No, it's not clear yet whether it's time to break out the festive brews here in Munchkin Land -

We've got to verify it legally to see
if he
is morally, ethically, spiritually, physically, positively, absolutely, undeniably and reliably (of course I mean politically) dead.

But I jumped like a kid on Christmas morning when I heard Amy Goodman say "Karl Rove is stepping down." Was I dreaming? Apparently not. I may try to get more together later, but for now, I like the headline at The Huffington Post, the comments at Daily Kos,and the article by Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo.


George Entenman said...

But heartless Reb, didn't you just tear up a little hearing W and Turd Blossem talking about their wonderful years of service to Texas and our country?? It was so hard not to cry, especially when W said "And so I thank my friend. I'll be on the road behind you here in a little bit."


reb said...

crying all the way to the congressional hearings.