Thursday, August 25, 2005

Vacation Keeps Going and Going

My "vacation" is ending now, and I can bet you I read more books than the president did. I have to get back to work in a minute, but here's a couple of things.
I watched "Real Time" w/Bill Maher last night in hopes of seeing Cindy Sheehan, I did get to see Paul Hackett, but then had to suffer through Kellyanne Conway, who's got to be either the most devious, or the most misinformed person in the media world, Phyllis Schlafly, Asa Hutchison, and Chris Rock, whose occasional jibes about gas prices seemed to indicate that he found the entire conversation a huge waste of his time. I hope he gets some good material about enduring the "discussion" on this show for a future appearance.
I was incensed by that idiot, Conway, almost as much as I am by her buddies Coulter and Malkin. She actually said that women in Iraq were liberated from Burkas. Then, when Maher pointed out that before the occupation, women in Iraq had never worn burkas, Hutchison accused him of supporting Saddam. "Funny," I thought, "it's for that very reason, or at least sort of, that the US supported Saddam Hussein in the Iran-Iraq war; the enemies of my enemies are my "friends." Yes, Mr. Hussein, take all the chemical weapons you want.
If there's one thing that people should know, besides the absence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and the lack of ties between Iraq and Bin Laden, is the fact that the place wasn't (until now) an Islamic fundamentalist state.
Another wacko comment from Conway came as a defense of Bush's long vacations. Americans are unique in this way, she suggested: don't know how to relax, she said, Americans don't know how to take vacations. silly, silly Americans. If the president isn't prioritizing his job, why should you?

1 comment:

reb said...

I don't think so. People who work at Walmart and other, similar low wage jobs can't take long vacations because they wouldn't be able to pay rent if they did.